Author: cfryant
5 facts about Zachary Taylor
a 10
American Revolution : Cost of War
The conflicts of the 1750s between Britain,France and other European powers changed the balance of power in the Americas In 1763 ,Britain energized from the seven year’s war as the dominant power in North America.
The American Revolutionary war took a heavy toll on Great Britain.The average cost of the war was $12 million a year . The British ended the war with a national dent of $205 million which generated a yearly interest of over $9.5 million.
Matter Luther King
The Flag
Betsy Ross because General Washington asked Betsy Ross to make the flag.
Patrick Henry
Although he opposed the formation of the u.s. corset
Henry lay the Virginia house of bur guesses
Thomas Jefferson and Richard Henry lee
lawyer and politician
Patrick Henry
stamp and Townsend
The original letter with Tucker’s
give me, or give me death
one of the leading figures of the American Revolutionary